
Python Basics


Sorting a Dictionary with Key or Value

Sort by Key

result = OrderedDict(sorted(unsorted.items(), key= lambda x:x[0]))

Sort by Value

result = OrderedDict(sorted(unsorted.items(), key= lambda x:x[1]))

Get items in Sorted Order

result = [unsorted[key] for key in sorted(unsorted.keys())]

Ordered Dict

import collections
orderes_dict = collections.OrderedDict() 

Can also take existing dictionary (won’t order the dictionary by itself)

Default Dict

import collections
dictionary = collections.defaultdict(set) # Replace 'set' with any data structure of choice

Creates a dictionary with default value(data-type). eg. list, set, dict, etc
It is accessed as a normal dictionary

Dictionary Operations

Delete a key in dictionary

del d[key]  # d is the name of dictionary


Inbuilt heap data structure is a min-heap i.e. it returns smallest item of the list

Import the built-in heap using

import heapq

Create a heap from list


Insert an item into the heap


Return the smallest item from the heap


Insert an element into heap and return the smallest element


To convert the heap into max-heap (return the maximum element on pop(), just convert all the values into -ve while inserting



It adds the element to the set and returns ‘None’.


This operation removes element x from the set.
If element does not exist, it raises a KeyError.
The .remove(x) operation returns ‘None’.


This operation also removes element x from the set.
If element does not exist, it does not raise a KeyError.
The .discard(x) operation returns ‘None’.


This operation removes and return an arbitrary element from the set.
If there are no elements to remove, it raises a KeyError.


The .union() operator returns the union of a set and the set of elements in an iterable.
Sometimes, the | operator is used in place of .union() operator, but it operates only on the set of elements in set.
Set is immutable to the .union() operation (or | operation).

ans= s.union(y)
# Returns a set which is union of 's' and 'y'


.intersection() The .intersection() operator returns the intersection of a set and the set of elements in an iterable.
Sometimes, the & operator is used in place of the .intersection() operator, but it only operates on the set of elements in set.
The set is immutable to the .intersection() operation (or & operation).

ans= s.intersection(y)
# Returns a set which is intersection of 's' and 'y'


.difference() The tool .difference() returns a set with all the elements from the set that are not in an iterable.
Sometimes the - operator is used in place of the .difference() tool, but it only operates on the set of elements in set.
Set is immutable to the .difference() operation (or the - operation).

ans= s.difference(y)
# Returns a set which has all the elements of 's' which are not in 'y'

Symmetric Difference

.symmetric_difference() The .symmetric_difference() operator returns a set with all the elements that are in the set and the iterable but not both.
Sometimes, a ^ operator is used in place of the .symmetric_difference() tool, but it only operates on the set of elements in set.
The set is immutable to the .symmetric_difference() operation (or ^ operation).

ans= s.symmetric_difference(y)
# Returns a set which has all the elements of 's' and 'y' without the common elements



.update() or |=
Update the set by adding elements from an iterable/another set.


.intersection_update() or &=
Update the set by keeping only the elements found in it and an iterable/another set.


.difference_update() or -=
Update the set by removing elements found in an iterable/another set.


.symmetric_difference_update() or ^=
Update the set by only keeping the elements found in either set, but not in both.


Import regex library using

import re

Compile Regex

regex = re.compile('your_regex_here')

Replace using Regex

import re 
regex = re.compile('your_regex_here')
string = regex.sub("replace_with_this", your_string)

Manipulation In Python
